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    Eval. Internal Drive Var (WLM) - ONE

    Provided by SIEMENS

    Create advanced functionality through the utilization of an internal drive variable from SINUMERIK.

    The evaluation of internal drive variables function can be used to control a second process variable depending on a measured process variable. This function is a prerequisite for implementing an adaptive control cycle.

    The following real-time variables can be evaluated as internal drive variables:

    • $AA_LOAD drive capacity utilization in %
    • $AA_POWER drive active power in W
    • $AA_TORQUE drive torque setpoint in Nm
    • $AA_CURR actual axis/spindle current in A

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    Key Feature
    • Enable access to internal drive variables

    • A second process variable can be controlled depending on the measured spindle current, e.g., path-specific or axis-specific feedrate. This permits, for example, the cutting volume to be kept constant when grinding, or faster covering of the grinding gap when scratching (first touch).
    • Protect machines and tools against overload.
    • Shorter machining times.
    • Achieve a superior surface quality of the workpieces.

    Additional Information

    Thank you for your interest in our solutions for your business.

    Siemens AG

    Frauenauracher Str. 80, 91056 Erlangen