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    Access MyMachine /OPC UA 828/840 - WLM

    提供:  SIEMENS

    Access MyMachine/OPC UA is a runtime option for SINUMERIK 828D and 840D sl which provides an OPC UA server. This allows to communicate with a SINUMERIK system based on a standardized protocol.

    With the Access MyMachine /OPC UA runtime option, SINUMERIK 840D sl and 828D provide an OPC UA server with the capability of writing, reading and subscribing to tags of the entire SINUMERIK. Additionally, the OPC UA server offers event-based provisioning of SINUMERIK alarms and multiple methods for simple interaction with SINUMERIK. It also provides support for the creation of a customer-specific object model with state of the art authentication and message encryption to secure the confidentiality of your communication.
    Access MyMachine is often used as communication interface to Manufacturing Execution Systems for transfer of production and quality data.


    合計: ¥94,620

    ( ¥94,620 / 年 (評価期間終了後) )
    One time license fee
    You Purchased this Product before and cannot purchase it again
    利用可能な決済方法: 見積り依頼

    Thank you for your interest in the MindSphere application Access MyMachine /OPC UA 828/840 - WLM . A member of the team will get in touch with you shortly about your request.

    Best regards,

    Your MindSphere team

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    Key Features
    Data access
    • Reading, writing, subscription of all SINUMERIK tags
    • Methods for file transfer, program selection, and creation of tools and cutting edges
    Alarms and events
    • Event-based provision of SINUMERIK alarms
    • Loading of customer-specific object models
    Additional features
    • Easy commissioning and diagnostics with Operate
    • Security: user management, encrypted communication
    • Can be reinstalled in SINUMERIK with older SINUMERIK software versions 4.5 from SP4

    • Access to Data, alarms and file system for SINUMERIK controls via network for easy integration into a customer IT environment 
    • Full functionality available for all SINUMERIK Software version >4.5 SP4
    • Secure communication 
    • Easy Commissioning


    Thank you for your interest in our solutions for your business.

    Siemens AG

    Frauenauracher Str. 80, 91056 Erlangen
