필수 조건 필수

    Access MyMachine/OPC UA - OEM SINUMERIK ONE

    제공: SIEMENS

    Access MyMachine/OPC UA - OEM is a runtime option for SINUMERIK ONE which provides an second OPC UA server for machine builders. This allows the machine builder to use OPC UA as internal communication as well as provide an OPC UA Server for the customer

    With the Access MyMachine /OPC UA - Advanced add on licence, SINUMERIK ONE OPC UA server provides an additional interface which allows easy intefration into a tool management and pallet handling system. It is the successor of Create MyInterface in connection with SINUMERIK ONE.
    It is based on methods and events and allows to easily access machine status, tool data as well as a state machine information about a pallet process. This rounds up the functionality of the Standard OPC UA Server, which provides functionality for data access, file transfer of NC programs as well as an event based alarm mechanism.

    선택한 제품은 장바구니에 추가할 수 없습니다. 선택한 제품 항목을 검토하고 수정하십시오.

    총액: ₩738,680

    ( ₩738,680 /년(체험기간 이후) )
    One time license fee
    You Purchased this Product before and cannot purchase it again
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    지원되는 결제 유형: 견적 요청

    Thank you for your interest in the MindSphere application Access MyMachine/OPC UA - OEM SINUMERIK ONE . A member of the team will get in touch with you shortly about your request.

    Best regards,

    Your MindSphere team

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    장바구니에 추가됨


    예상 총액
    결제 시 세금 계산됨

    Data Access
    • Reading, writing, subscription of all SINUMERIK tags
    • Methods for file transfer, program selection, and creation of tools and cutting edges
    • Alarms and events
    • Event-based provision of SINUMERIK alarms
    • CSOM
    • Loading of customer-specific object models
    • Additional features
    • Easy commissioning and diagnostics with Operate
    • Security: user management, encrypted communication

    • Access to Data, alarms and file system for SINUMERIK controls via network for easy integration into a customer IT environment
    • Secure communication
    • Easy Commissioning

    추가 정보

    Thank you for your interest in our solutions for your business.

    Siemens AG

    Frauenauracher Str. 80, 91056 Erlangen
