Analyze MyMachine /Condition - (Edge only)


Increase a machine tool's availability by tracking its condition with a mechanical fingerprint.

The hybrid Industrial Edge for Machine Tools Analyze MyMachine /Condition enables users to generate a machine tool's mechanical fingerprint so that potential deviations can be identified at an early stage, machine failures prevented and machine operation optimized. 
Following characteristics of a drive train can be measured via Edge App:

  • Equability
  • Friction
  • Backlash
  • Signature
  • Quadrant error
  • Stiffness
  • Frequency response

Pricing Breakdown per Device One Time Annually
License ¥671,760  
Maintenance ¥147,787 ¥147,787
Total Initial Price ¥1,337,227  


合計: ¥819,547

( ¥819,547 / 年 (評価期間終了後) )
Incl. Maintenance fees for year one
You Save: 
請求期間 1年間
サブスクリプション期間 1年間
You Purchased this Product before and cannot purchase it again
利用可能な決済方法: 見積り依頼

Thank you for your interest in the MindSphere application Analyze MyMachine /Condition - (Edge only) . A member of the team will get in touch with you shortly about your request.

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Your MindSphere team

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Key Features:
  • Hybrid Industrial Edge for Machine Tools consisting of a Insights Hub and Industrial Edge for Machine Tools
  • Track a machine tools' condition
  • Measure for each machine axis stiffness, friction / friction distribution, backlash, quadrant error and signature
  • Visually compare the measured values against a reference measurement to detect potential deviations
  • Flexible measurement configuration using the Industrial Edge for Machine Tools
  • Long term tracking and visualization with the Insights Hub application
  • Available for SINUMERIK 840D sl from SW 4.5 SP4 and SINUMERIK ONE 
Supported Kinematic Types:
  • Linear axes: Ball screw, rack & pinion, linear direct drive
  • Rotary axes
  • Higher machine availability and reduced maintenance cost due to optimized, condition based maintenance intervals
  • Easier detection of root cause
  • Machine operation can be improved/corrected with the right settings

Service & maintenance for machine tools: predictive maintenance with Analyze MyMachine /Condition

Minimize maintenance costs in CNC production, and reduce downtimes.