Analyze MyWorkpiece /Monitor


Reduce quality costs by detecting scrap right at the machine tool.

Analyze MyWorkpiece /Monitor is a SINUMERIK Edge application which enables online quality monitoring during manufacturing based on high frequency process data from a SINUMERIK CNC. It applies statistical methods to detect process anomalies and can flag the affected workpieces as scrap candidates. This way a 100% quality control can be achieved at lower costs.


合計: ¥281,880

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Key Features
  • Provide a generic analysis methodology applicable to majority of manufacturing processes
  • No need for external sensors or measuring devices
  • Monitor every HF signal provided by the SINUMERIK CNC
  • Create virtual signals to account for interdependencies in process data
  • Deliver analysis in the path domain: areas of detected anomalies are precisely locatable at the workpiece
  • Provide monitoring results to external IT systems via MQTT streaming or RESTful APIs to achieve full traceability of the production process

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