필수 조건 필수

    Analyze MyWorkpiece/Toolpath Node Locked

    제공: SIEMENS

    G-Code verification and visual process analysis to ensure optimal quality and productivity

    Analyze MyWorkpiece /Toolpath is a powerful aid to optimize speed and quality of manufacturing processes that involve complex motion. This not only comprises subtractive machining but also 3D printing and robotic applications. It features intuitive graphical 3D inspection methods that are key to identify disturbances in the CAD-CAM-CNC process chain and the respective improvement potentials.

    The application can be used for upfront G-Code verification but also allows to pin-point root causes of poor process performance by analyzing high frequency data recorded using the Industrial Edge for Machine Tools.

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    총액: ₩1,893,960

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    지원되는 결제 유형: 계좌이체, 견적 요청

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    예상 총액
    결제 시 세금 계산됨
    Key Features
    • Interactive 3D visualization of the toolpath (position trajectory)
    • Intuitive 4D color coding technology to visualize various process data (e.g. velocity, torques) on top of the tool path
    • 2D time series view of signals (contextualized with the 3D visualization)
    • Full contextualization of visualization and G-Code
    • Automated computation of velocity, acceleration, jerk, and curvature based on position data
    • Visualization of CAD geometry (stl files)
    • Vector visualization (e.g. tool orientation, curvature)
    • Animation of the tool movement
    • Surface meshing (shaded surface visualization from point cloud data)
    Main use case: reduce run-in time of new workpieces during job preparation.
    • Visually analyze new G-Code programs before bringing them to a real machine
    • Identify unsteady trajectories that can lead to dynamic problems and poor workpiece quality
    • Analyze high frequency position data recorded using Industrial Edge for Machine Tools