订阅期将自动在后续订阅期内续订,除非任何一方在相关订阅期满前至少提前 60 天通知另一方不再续订。任何续订的订阅期将与前一订阅期期限相同或为 12 个月(以较长者为准)。任何续订期的费用将与前一订阅期结束时施行的费用相同,除非西门子在相关订阅期满前至少提前 90 天通知客户未来费用变化。
通用客户协议 (UCA) 中提供的 UCA(或任何后续条款)在当时的订阅期限结束前 60 天的当前版本将适用于下一个订阅期。但是,如果订阅受您与西门子签署的主协议的约束,则该主协议将继续适用于任何后续订阅期,并且该主协议中指定的订阅的自动续订条款将适用。
在所有情况下,补充条款中提供的适用补充条款(在当时的订阅期限结束前 60 天的当前版本)将适用于下一个订阅期限,而不是补充条款的任何先前版本。
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Additional Requirements
Desktop computer with dedicated grapics and a full HD display, A license of Analyze MyWorkpiece /Toolpath (MCS2043)
Analyze MyWorkpiece /Toolpath is a powerful aid to optimize speed and quality of manufacturing processes that involve complex motion. This not only comprises subtractive machining but also 3D printing and robotic applications. It offers efficient 3D inspection tools to visualize and analyze NC programs, data collected with SINUMERIK Operator trace or Analyze MyWorkpiece /Capture and also generic csv files.
Sophisticated grapical methods such as color coding process data on the toolpath in 3D are key to indentify disturbances in the CNC process chain and respective potentials for improvement.