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    Analyze MyWorkpiece/Toolpath pro Node Locked

    提供商: SIEMENS

    Advanced analysis features for Analyze MyWorkpiece /Toolpath

    Analyze MyWorkpiece /Toolpath (pro) is an extension package for Analyze MyWorkpiece /Toolpath that adds advanced features targeted at in-depth process analysis and machine tool commissioning.


    价格: ¥9,768.00

    ( ¥9,768.00 / 年(试用期限结束之后) )
    You Purchased this Product before and cannot purchase it again
    支持的付款方式: 银联支付, 公司帐户付款

    Thank you for your interest in the MindSphere application Analyze MyWorkpiece/Toolpath pro Node Locked . A member of the team will get in touch with you shortly about your request.

    Best regards,

    Your MindSphere team

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    Key Features
    • Additional data import formats: Sinumerik Operate traces in xml and csv format, generic csv files
    • High quality surface reconstruction based on the actual toolpath and tool parameters (virtual machining)
    • 3D measurement tools
    • Visualization of arbitrary custom vectors
    • Unlimited number of visual scenes
    • Unlimited number of data sets per scene
    • Unlimited number of time series graphs    
    • Read access to Teamcenter
    Main use cases: in-depth analysis of machining processes, commissioning of machine tools and robots 
    • Analyze arbitrary signals recorded from a real machine or a digital twin
    • Upfront estimation of achievable surface quality (e.g. mold and die applications) 
    • Determine deviations between programmed, commanded and actual motion parameters
    • Implement your own specialized analysis scripts


    Thank you for your interest in our solutions for your business.

    Siemens AG

    Frauenauracher Str. 80, 91056 Erlangen
