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    Converting Toolbox

    제공: SIEMENS

    With the Converting Toolbox Equipment Module a TIA Portal project for your unique Converting application is generated.

    The following applications are included:

    • Winder
    • Line Tension Control
    • Traversing Drive
    • Data export for continious web simulation with SIMIT
    • Flying saw

    The wizard-based tool supports you with the integration of the machine axes and the configuration of the necessary parameters of the standard applications involved.

    The Modular Application Creator then generates the technology objects, program and library sources and HMI masks into the existing TIA Portal project.
    In addition, the technology objects are connected to existing SINAMICS drives, telegrams are created and synchronous relationships are set in the technology objects.

    The generated project can simply be downloaded to the controller after generation and used immediately.
    For the applications Winder and Line Tension Control, process models for the simulation with SIMIT can be generated.

    Free cloud trial
    Contact modular.application.creator.industry@siemens.com if you want to test the generating capabilities of this Modular Application Creator Equipment Module in the cloud for free.

    Asset and updates will be sent to the E-Mail address you defined in the ordering process.

    The Equipment Module is available in German, English and Chinese.

    License Model
    Subscription for 12 months starting with the date indicated on the Order. Subscription will automatically renew, unless either party notifies the other that it has decided not to renew. 
    This subscription entitles to create one instance on one device subject to the technical resources and requirements of the device.

    선택한 제품은 장바구니에 추가할 수 없습니다. 선택한 제품 항목을 검토하고 수정하십시오.

    총액: ₩1,529,520 / year

    ( ₩1,529,520 /년(체험기간 이후) )
    Disclaimer: Taxes may apply
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    지원되는 결제 유형: 계좌이체

    Thank you for your interest in the MindSphere application Converting Toolbox . A member of the team will get in touch with you shortly about your request.

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    Your MindSphere team

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    장바구니에 추가됨


    예상 총액
    결제 시 세금 계산됨

    Key Features

    • generate your TIA-Portal project for your Converting application automatically
    • support of: winder, web tension and traveser
    • generate large parts of your SIMIT project based on your converting configuration


    • reduce engineering time for software by 80%

    Converting Toolbox Equipment Module

    This video shows the workflow in the Equipment Module Converting Toolbox. After configuring your converting application the TIA Portal project can be generated automatically.

    If I had written my own code, I would have spent three work weeks. By using Modular Application Creator, it took me only half a day
    Mark Baumann-Lund, Software Engineer at Baumatik

    추가 정보

    Thank you for your interest in our solutions for your business.

    Siemens AG

    Digital Industries

    Factory Automation

    Production Machines

    Digital Machines and Innovation


    Frauenauracher Str. 80

    91056 Erlangen, Deutschland

    E-Mail: modular.application.creator.industry@siemens.com

    contact modular.application.creator.industry@siemens.com and mention MLFB of this product (6ES7823-1ME02-0BN8)