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    Create MyConfig ADDON /ECAD IMPORT

    제공: SIEMENS

    Eliminate a step in your engineering worklfow by automation. This add-on for Create MyConfig will help you to stay more consistent throughout your worklow.

    The EPLAN Add-In is a block in the engineering workflow and enables the transfer of the drive topology in EPLAN and further data to Create MyConfig.

    In addition, the EPLAN Add-In allows you to complete the axis-drive assignment. In this way, the manual installation of the drive topology in Create MyConfig is eliminated and therefore it saves you having to set up the installed components and their wiring again.

    Pricing Breakdown per Device One Time Annually
    License ₩1,474,340  
    Maintenance ₩324,356 ₩324,356
    Total Initial Price ₩1,798,696  

    *Fees per device. Total initial price includes both the license fee and the first year maintenance fee. Maintenance will be billed annually thereafter.

    선택한 제품은 장바구니에 추가할 수 없습니다. 선택한 제품 항목을 검토하고 수정하십시오.

    총액: ₩1,798,696

    ( ₩1,798,696 /년(체험기간 이후) )
    Incl. Maintenance fees for year one
    You Purchased this Product before and cannot purchase it again
    이전에 이 제품의 체험판 라이선스를 구매했으므로 다시 구매할 수 없습니다.
    장바구니에 추가하려면 구성에 하나 이상의 항목이 있어야 합니다
    지원되는 결제 유형: 견적 요청

    Thank you for your interest in the MindSphere application Create MyConfig ADDON /ECAD IMPORT . A member of the team will get in touch with you shortly about your request.

    Best regards,

    Your MindSphere team

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    장바구니에 추가됨


    예상 총액
    결제 시 세금 계산됨

    Key Features
    • Import of topoloy data from EPLAN
    • Reduce manpower in the engineering workflow
    • Keep your drive topoloy up to date to the electrical wiring with just a few clicks
    • Less human errors with reproducibility of worklow tasks.

    추가 정보

    Thank you for your interest in our solutions for your business.

    Siemens AG

    Frauenauracher Str. 80, 91056 Erlangen
