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    Provided by VDT Technology, a.s.

    Preview, analysis and prioritization of clinical parameters collected from implantable cardiac devices of different vendors in patients.

    The ePace application is primarily developed to monitor parameters collected from implantable cardiac devices that remotely monitor patients. Since vendors use different systems and data storage formats, the application unifies their differences into a single application interface. Implementing the development product into the healthcare system will not only enable online monitoring and early detection of life-threatening conditions in orders of magnitude more monitored subjects, but also the ability to continuously review clinically significant episodes in monitored patients when physical outpatient visits cannot be made. In other words, it is an advanced medical data viewer for pacemaker patients.

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    • Control and quick overview of patients with implantable cardiac devices in one place.
    • Unify disparate systems and formats from multiple manufacturers into one application.
    • Overview of regular patient check-ups.
    • Analysis and prioritization of clinical parameters collected from remotely monitored patients' pacemakers.
    • Invoicing for insurance companies for the performed tasks.
    • Immediate insight into the patient's condition. 
    • Ability to download generated reports directly from the device.

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