Modbus TCP Client Library

Provided by SIEMENS

Library (SW download) for the connection of MODBUS TCP slaves for single S7-400 systems. License for one PCS 7 project.

Modbus TCP Client Library (SW) to program Modbus/M-Bus module, providing a gateway to connect devices or systems to SIMATIC PCS 7, PCS neo, Step 7 and TIA Portal.

Highlight features

  • Connecting vendor independent Modbus TCP Slaves to single S7400
  • PCS 7 typical engineering
  • Usable in PCS 7 and Step7
  • Cost optimization by one license per project instead of CPU based licenses
  • Siemens as a supplier of hardware and software

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Total: €1.038,00

( €1.038,00 / year after trial period )
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