Insights Hub 1000 Asset Attributes


Get a quota of Insights Hub 1000 Asset Attributes to configure your data model. Reserve as many as you expect, use as many as you need!

IoT solutions scale with things or assets... Assets are the digital representation of objects like machines or buildings. Asset Attributes represent individual properties of an Asset, such as temperature, pressure or speed and can be static or dynamic.
This product provides with you 1000 Asset Attributes to configure your data model.

Product Name Insights Hub 1000 Asset Attributes Price
Prepaid tier 1000 included

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총액: ₩2,835,786

( ₩236,315 /년(체험기간 이후) )
You Save: 
과금 방식 연간
구독 조건 연간
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장바구니에 추가하려면 구성에 하나 이상의 항목이 있어야 합니다
지원되는 결제 유형: 계좌이체, 견적 요청

Thank you for your interest in the MindSphere application Insights Hub 1000 Asset Attributes . A member of the team will get in touch with you shortly about your request.

Best regards,

Your MindSphere team

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예상 총액
결제 시 세금 계산됨
IoT solutions scale with things or assets... Assets are the digital representation of objects like machines or buildings:
  • Represent individual properties, defining status, temperature, status change, ... ) and defining parameters (name, code, location... )
  • They can be static (e.g. a serial number) or dynamic (e.g. temperature)