Vulnerability Services

Bereitgestellt von SIEMENS

This App identifies software and hardware vulnerabilities and helps to secure your plant from cyber attacks.

Vulnerability Services (VS) are based on a unique monitoring infrastructure using thousands of information sources, merged by security experts into consumable and actionable information.

The Management Portal
Web-based application offering a structured overview of relevant vulnerabilities for your components (basic version) – with asset import functions as well as integrated reporting, dashboarding and notification features (extended version).

See the basic/extended version features

Application Programming Interface (API)
Seamless interface to integrate vulnerability intelligence into your existing vulnerability management tools and processes.

How does it work?

  • Step 1: Definition of components to be monitored
  • Step 2: Monitoring regarding recently published vulnerabilities (completely in the background)
  • Step 3: Automatic generation of digital “Security Bulletins” in case of detected vulnerabilities

VS – Mgmt Portal Basic Setup (one-time)

VS – Mgmt Portal Basic - component/year

VS – Mgmt Portal Basic/API – New component (one-time)

VS – Mgmt Portal Extended: Initial Setup (one-time)

VS – Mgmt Portal Extended (Cloud) - New component - component/year*

VS – Mgmt Portal Extended – New component (one-time)

VS – Mgmt Portal Extended Setup for OEMs

VS – Mgmt Portal Extended for OEMs - New component - component/year**

VS – API Setup (one-time)

VS – API Flex


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( €0,00 / pro Jahr nach Ablauf des Testzeitraums )
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Vilocify - Simplify Securing the digital world

Short introduction of Vulnerability Services